Friday, December 5, 2008

Vocab Poem

1. sleek-adj. smooth or glossy
2. drab- adj. dull, cheerless; lacking in spirit, brightness
3. robust- adj. strong and healthy; hardy
4. lukewarm- adj. moderatley warm; tepid
5. rancid- adj. having a rank, unpleasant, stale smell or taste
6. briny- adj. salty
7. gritty- composed of or covered with particles resembling a meal in texture or consistency
8. acrid- adj. bitterly pungent to taste or smell
9. rustle- verb. to cause such sounds by moving or stirring something
10. perky- adj. jaunty; cheerful

I was alone in this great body of water. There was noise, lots of it, but deafening to my ears. My body lay lukewarm inside my sleek, skintight suit; my hands, feet, and head suffering through the numbness. The smell of bacteria rotting multitudes of carcasses penetrated my nostrils with the acrid pungency of death. Young and old surrounded me, waiting for this day; celebrating a sport that I did not understand. As the briny water attacked my lips and eyes, they laughed. A faint rustling in the distance did not catch my attention. Certainly those surrounding me were unaware. Screams were now very apparent. What was once full of perkiness was now drab. Chaos ensued, the ocean proving itself robust. I caught a glimpse and it was a shade of purple. The body floated silently as I fought the grit from the sea water coagulating in the corners of my mouth. My nose burned, it wasn't the smell of fish. The rancid scent should have prepared me. I felt something graze my back. Unbeknownst to all, another lifeless human surfaced among us.

1 comment:

APLITghosts said...

gads. where was this. what was this? definite effective imagery. the scene of a shark attack??? - elmeer